Short version
Diane is a short story writer, diving into the bottomless pits of ourselves, and exposing the darkness we harbor inside.
About the Author
Diane Chattaway is an aspiring, independent writer, based out of North Carolina, where she lives with her husband and their three children. She leads an eclectic lifestyle, which has paved the way towards and through various life paths.
Diane has spent the past two years bent over books, desperately honing her memorization skills while being primed and polished as a "Scripture Educator In Training." She forges into this year with high hopes, during her continued education in both Prophecy and Catastrophe.
When Diane isn't plotting disaster with the corral of people held captive in her mind, you can find her lounging on the sofa in her favorite sleep-pants, devouring a can of Pringles while binge-watching "The Young And Hungry." Or, standing by a nearby window, suspiciously spying on neighbors, like she is living her own-real-life episode, straight from the movie "The Burbs."
Her hobbies include - Scaring small children, dabbling in photography, candle making, and more. She also enjoys creating short films with her girls, dancing around mindlessly while singing at the top of her lungs, and using apples to bribe small horses and shy goats, to come a little closer, where she spends most of her time working as a Farmhand.
While life is disruptive and forever changing, her dream stands constant. To write a story, that someone, out there, will enjoy it.